
Teaching is a complex profession that requires ongoing support and guidance, particularly for early career teachers. This resource has been developed for a teacher named Caitlin, who has just begun her first position as a classroom teacher at Woodoo South Public School.

The website aims to assist Caitlin with issues she encounters during her first weeks at the school, including communication, classroom management, teaching strategies, inclusive education and the curriculum. Throughout the website, support and guidance is offered to assit Caitlin as an early career teacher and provide resources for her to use during her first few weeks in her first teaching position.

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Please use the Menu Bar at the top of the page to find supporting material to assist Caitlin in her first year of teaching.

Classroom Management: Suggests how Caitlin can create a quality learning environment for her students.

Inclusive Education: Looks at the students in Caitlin's class and promotes ways that all students can be included in the classroom.

The Curriculum: Identifies ways that Caitlin can improve her programming and learn about the learning programs at Woodoo South Public School.

Communication: Outlines ways that Caitlin can effectively communicate with students, parents and fellow staff.

Effective Teaching Strategies: Lists strategies that Caitling can use to get the students to work in groups.


To read about information on Woodoo South Public School and Caitlin's class, click on the tags or on the links below:

 About Woodoo South Public School 

About the Staff

Class Profile